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Dr Laurent Pécastaing - High voltage electical pulses generators for environnemental, military and medical applications 2020 à Toulouse - Haute-Garonne / Foxoo
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Dr Laurent Pécastaing - High voltage electical pulses generators for environnemental, military and medical applications 2020 à Toulouse / Haute-Garonne

Evènement passé.

Le mardi 24 mars 2020 à Toulouse.

{en:High voltage electical pulses generators for environnemental, military and medical applications

This seminar will present the physics and technology of pulsed power. This technology consists in storing electrical energy during a relative long time and releasing this same energy in a very short time in order to amplify the power. The typical orders of magnitude of the electrical pulses generated are as follows:

Output power: 10e6 to 10e14 W
Voltage : 10e2 to 10e7 V
Energy : 1 to 10e7 J
Duration : 10e-12 to 10e-4 s

The key idea for the generation of electrical pulses and their main applications will be presented; in particular electroporation in the medical field for the treatment of cancer tumours, the extraction of high value-added compounds by electrical discharges in a fluid or the eradication of bacteria by pulsed electric fields.
Enregistrement : EMAIL

IPBS-Toulouse, Seminar room

205 Route de Narbonne, 31400
Débute à 11H00

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